Anyway you want it, that’s the way you need it! We work with you from beginning to end to get your instrument playing exactly how you like it. It might not be the best axe in the world but we can get it sounding like you’ve got the pick of destiny. Tribute.
T:01656 224425

Guitar Setup & Servicing
Guitar / Bass Full Setup £35 + Strings
A full setup includes:
- Truss rod adjustment if required
- Action adjusted to requested hight
- Intonation set to requested tuning
- Body & neck cleaned and polished
- Fretboard and nut oiled if required
- Pots,switches and jack socket cleaned and lubricated
- Machine heads adjusted and lubricated if required
- Fretboard and frets polished
- Tremolo setupto requested tension
- Lubricate tremoloif required
- Re-strung & tuned to requested tuning
Guitar / Bass Restring £20 + Strings
A re-string includes:
- Neck and nut oiled if required
- Fretboard and frets polished
- Re-strung & tunedto requested tuning
Strings £7.50 per pack / £2 Individual String
D'Addario guitar string packs are available in many common string gauges from £7.50 per pack.I will also happily fit any other strings supplied
Drum Setup & Servicing
Full Drum Kit Setup (shells) £60 + Skins*
A full setup includes:
- Full drum kit tuned to requested tone
- Shells dismantled polished and rebuilt
- Metal polished and if possible corrosion removed
- Moving parts lubricated and Snare wire set
- Lugs cleaned, tightened and lubricated if required
- Bearing edge cleaned
Snare Drum Setup £20 + Skins*
A snare drum setup includes:
- Snare tuned to requested tone
- Shell dismantled polished and rebuilt
- Metal polished and if possible corrosion removed
- Strainer lubricated and Snare wire set
- Lugs cleaned, tightened and lubricated if required
- Bearing edge cleaned
*Existing heads can be reused when possible
Cracked Cymbal Repair £25
Cracked cymbal repair includes:
- Cracks drilled to help prevent further damage
- Edges smoothed to avoid stick damage
- Cymbal polished
For more information or to book your instrument in contact us here.